SAY:n koneoppimistyöpaja ja kuukausikokous 18.9.2019
Suomen Aktuaariyhdistys yhdessä EY:n ja Microsoftin kanssa järjestävät yhdistyksen jäsenille koneoppimistyöpajan keskiviikkona 18.9.2019 klo 12.30-17.00 Varmassa (Salmisaarenranta 11, Helsinki).
Työpaja pidetään pääosin englanniksi. Työpajaan ei ole ennakkotietovaatimuksia. Työpajaan kuuluu myös paikan päällä tehtäviä harjoituksia, joten otathan oman läppärin mukaan, jos mahdollista.
Työpajan aluksi pidetään lyhyt kuukausikokous. Kuukausikokouksessa käsiteltävät asiat:
- Kokouksen avaus
- Jäsenasiat
- Muut mahdolliset asiat
- Lopetus
Työpajan ohjelma:
- Alexander Jung, Assistant Professor for Machine Learning, Aalto University: Methods for Artificial Intelligence – 120 minutes. Linkki materiaaliin:
- Vesa Tikkanen, Microsoft MVP, Microsoft: Microsoft’s Machine Learning tools with hands on exercise – 60 minutes.
- Juan Koyry, Associate Director, EY Client Technology & wavespace Madrid: Trusting AI to lead your insurance business – 60 minutes.
Ensimmäisen ja toisen pajaosion välissä kahvitarjoilu.
Power BI Desktop is an easy end-user focused data manipulation and visualization tool that today also has some AI features. We will go through the data manipulation workflow, investigate data and search for influencers and finally try to predict something from sample data.
Trusting AI to lead your Insurance business - As AI promises to deliver valuable insights, knowledge and even decisions across a multitude of use cases, broad adoption of AI will rely heavily on the ability to trust the systems output. Understanding of how AI works and our assessment of its safety and reliability are the base on Trusting AI algorithms to assure its capability to drive decisions across the business. We will be showing how to move from "detection and repair" solutions to so-called "prediction and prevention" solutions, transforming all aspects of the industry: from distribution to claims management to underwriting and pricing.
Työpajan esiintyjistä:
Alexander Jung has obtained a Phd (Dr.techn.) in statistical signal processing from TU Vienna in 2012. He has been Post-Doc at ETH Zurich and TU Vienna before he joined Aalto University as Assistant Professor for Machine Learning in 2015. The focus of his research is to understand limitations and develop efficient solutions for large-scale machine learning problems arising in various domains. He is also passionate about teaching the principles underlying machine learning and artificial intelligence. During his time at Aalto he has taught several hundreds of students and developed a text book on the basic principles of machine learning. He has been elected as "Teacher of the Year 2018" by the department of Computer Science at Aalto University.
Vesa Tikkanen is agile oriented architect with passion towards Microsoft Data Platform including both relational and non-relational worlds. He helps customers to implement Big Data environments with advanced analytics. He mainly works with financial, forestry and public sector customers. He has graduated from Helsinki University of Technology (MSc. Computer Science) and has been nominated as Microsoft MVP in Data Platform.
Juan Koury is a Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Associate Director at EY Global AI Lab with 15+ experience in the sector. Juan’s passion for Product management is driven by a unique blend of entrepreneurial and technical expertise and business acumen. He is recognized for identifying and redesigning the DataOps organization process to produce critical analysis using AI and Big Data to make the most of a company’s data, driving insightful recommendations for increased business performance.
Tilaisuus on maksuton, mutta kahvitarjoilun mitoittamiseksi ja kulkuoikeuksien varmistamiseksi pyydämme ilmoittautumaan viimeistään torstaina 12.9.2019 alla olevalla ilmoittautumislomakkeella.
Kokouksen materiaalit julkaistaan myöhemmin.
Esitelmöitsijä | Esitelmä |
Edellisen kokouksen pöytäkirja | |
Alexander Jung | |
Juan Koury | Trust AI to Lead your Insurance Business |
Vesa Tikkanen | Microsoft’s Machine Learning tools |
Kokouksen pöytäkirja |