Tapahtuman sivut: https://www.eca2019.org/


The third European Congress of Actuaries will discuss the professional challenges and opportunities in traditional work areas as well as in new areas of activity of actuaries: new technologies, data science and cyber risks, behavioral finance, consumer protection, independent advice, capital standards, implementation of Solvency II, IORP, actuarial skills in wider fields and much more. The target audience includes practitioners, actuaries and academics, risk managers working in industry, decision makers and other professionals interested in the future of risk management in Europe.

The overall theme of the ECA 2019 is “Actuary 2020 – A profession on the move”. The programme will consist of four plenary sessions with outstanding guest speakers, such as Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), Jan-Hendrik Erasmus, Vice-Chair of the CRO Forum, and Paul Embrechts, Professor of Mathematics at the ETH Zurich, as well as over 30 presentations on topics ranging from guarantees in life insurance products over IFRS 17 to actuarial data science. The Call for Papers is open in autumn 2018.

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