Conference invitation

Estonian Actuarial Society 25th Anniversary Conference

The actuarial profession, as we recognize it today, traces its origins back to the middle of the 19th century. During the independence decades in the 1930s, there were a few Estonian mathematicians who began laying the groundwork for the actuarial profession in Estonia.

Following the re-establishment of the market economy and the founding of new insurance companies in the 1990s, a new cohort of young graduates from Tartu University formed the first generation of contemporary Estonian actuaries, and the Estonian Actuarial Society (EAL) was founded in January 1999.By today, Estonian actuaries form an integral part of the Baltic actuarial community and our association has been an active full member of the International Actuarial Association (IAA) for more than two decades.

In September 2024, the IAA will have its semi-annual meetings in Tallinn, and in conjunction with the IAA meetings, EAL will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a Conference on September 27th, 2024, in Tallinn.

The Conference is targeted not only to the members of the actuarial profession but also, and foremost, to top managers of insurance companies and insuretech sector, representatives of supervisory and government agencies, and other industry decision-makers. We expect guests from all over the world, but primarily from the three Baltic countries and Finland.The presenters and panellists will include the President of the IAA and other distinguished representatives of the actuarial profession, as well as representatives from the companies operating within the Baltic insurance market, local financial and other institutions.

The Conference program will cover a wide range of following relevant topics:

  • Challenges in the development of the actuarial profession and educating actuaries both in the world and in the Baltic countries.
  • The impact of modern technology and AI on the development of insurance activities in the future
  • Public awareness - is the work of an actuary actually well understood?
  • Building a better society for everybody – how could actuaries best tackle the public health and longevity issues and how actuaries could contribute to public health and longevity topics?
  • Challenges with the IFRS17 implementation – is the transparency transparent enough? Lessons learned from the first IFRS17 reporting period.

Registration to the Conference will be open in late May. The registration fee will be 140 euros, members of national actuarial associations may apply for 20% discount. The fee covers full Conference program, coffee breaks and the reception after the Conference.

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